Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Be Careful...All is not How it Seems.

So, as an ex-gingerbread girl with no identity I stumbled to me feet helplessly. With the huge, heavy feeling of "Now what?" weighing me down.

I knew there was something missing. Something bigger then my selfish, cookie-cutter existence.
There was more then this lie I had been living.
Out there...somewhere, was truth. And with truth comes purpose. I knew there had to be something REAL.
In the bottom of my heart, and in the back of my mind, I knew what it was. (You do too, don't you?)


The very One people say does not exist because they can't "see" Him.

No, God didn't create the world...because I didn't see Him do it.

The very thing they doubt is the only thing that's real.

To say I was searching would not be accurate. I knew what I wanted to find. See, I had found it ten years before, but; with the help of my buddies, Slippage and Failure, and a platoon of especially deceptive gingerbread men... I lost it.
This is starting to sound like a certain Keanue Reeves movie isn't it?

Hmm...or maybe it's just me.