Friday, July 3, 2009

The 8oz. on the Pump

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. . . . For without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must beleive that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him."
~Hebrews 11:1,6

A few weeks ago, in my youth group, I heard a lesson on surrendering your future to God. (I know, you're rolling your eyes again, saying, I've heard a million sermons on surrender.) Yeah, I was kind of thinking the same thing. But the speaker used an illustration I'd never heard before. It was short and to the point, but it really hit me. It helped me see surrender in a whole different way. It was an awesome story and I have to share it with you. I'm going to recount it in my own words, so bear with me here.

The 8oz. on the Pump

There once was a man who was travelling through the desert. He had long before run out of water and he was absoluetly parched. As he's trudging, weakly, through the sand, he sees a water pump. (You know like the ones you see on all the westerns, and no it wasn't a mirage.) As he walks closer to the well, he sees that there is an 8oz. bottle of water resting on top of the pump. Still sealed and with a note attached. The note said, "The well is in good working order, but you'll need to use this whole bottle of water to prime the pump." The thirsty traveller had a choice to make. He could just drink the bottle of water, and he'd be guaranteed at least 8oz. of water. Which may carry him a little ways. Or he could have faith that the pump did work and pour the 8oz. of clean water down the pump to prime it, in hopes of receiving more than enough water than he would need.

What would you do?

I'm sure you understand the analogy by now, but I'm going to explain it just because. My life is the 8 ounces of water sitting on the well. I could go ahead and try to control my life and live my way, because then I'd be guaranteed that 8 ounces; or I could, by faith, give God that 8 ounces, and receive more water then I would ever need. If I chose to give it to God, that would require me pouring my 8 oz. life down God's water pump, and have faith that the rewards are far greater then anything I could have done with my own life. I understand that, just as if that story was happening to me, it would be really scary to pour that water I so wanted right down the well. It's also scarry giving up control of my short life here on earth and letting God have control. But you know what? I know that the rewards are far greater then the sacrifice. If I choose to let God have total control, giving Him every bit of my life, I will never regret it.

Imagine how you'd feel if you chose to dump the bottle of wate down the well? You watch as the last drop disappears from the bottle. Then you place a sweaty palm on the handle and begin to pump. Can you imagine the shear relief, followed by incredible joy, as the first few drops of water emerge from the mouth of the well. Followed, a few seconds later, by a gushing stream of crystal clear, cool water.

I found this story thought provoking, and very challenging. The decision to give God our future isn't an easy one. It means us, stepping way out of our comfort zone. The question is do we have the faith to act upon what we know? That the rewards are well worth it, and we won't regret it.

The choice is ours, what are we gonna do?