Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Different for a Reason

Have you ever been asked why you do what you do?

As a believer who is seeking to obey God, and who is being shaped more like Christ by the working of the Holy Spirit, you are going to be asked a bunch of questions.

"Why don't you swear?....
Why do you respect your parents like that, even when they're illogical?...
Why don't you want to have sex before you're married?....
Why don't you wear this?
Go there?...
Why aren't you worried about making more money?

What the world is really asking is;

"Why do you believe God?
What about His character makes you rely on what He says as truth?"

They are examining you to see if God is real.

They are looking at ME to answer their questions?!?!? They are looking at my life searching for evidence of God, of the Holy Spirit in me?!

Kinda scary isn't it?

But do you what is even more scary?

Listening to a group of believers argue about standards. No, not Christians discussing biblical commands. I am talking about a group of believers engaged in a heated debate over an issue that is not important. They are so distracted by their academic points and how well they can argue their side that they are missing the entire point.
I've been here. I've been PART of these groups. It IS scary...because we are missing the entire purpose of the standards God has called us to.

In 1 and 2 Timothy Paul writes to his son in Christ, the man he has been mentoring, about how ministry is to be run. He warns Timothy about the intellectual distractions we fall into when we are looking at our faith and sanctification as an achievement we accomplish ourselves instead of realizing it is a work the Holy Spirit accomplishes in us (John 15).

"...that thou mightest charge some that they teach no other doctrine, Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do.

Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned:

From which some having swerved have turned aside unto vain jangling;" -1 Tim. 1:3b-6

No doubt, the principles and standards of holiness God has given to us to live by in His word He has given to us for a reason.

How do I make sure I am upholding God's standards and not one's that are actually man's?

How do I avoid all of the entangling debates, that assert our own attempt at godliness above what God really says?

It is easy to get involved in a group of believers and begin adopting standards, whether biblical or not, for the purpose of making them happy or yourself appear more disciplined. What can I do to keep my sincerity in check?

I should be holding each standard up to I Timothy 1:5.

"Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned: "

These things should be what is being seen. Not my fleshly wisdom, intelligence, or discipline, which is as useful as filthy, dirty, rags to God.

This is my interpretation of I Timothy 1:5:

"The outcome of our standards, the big picture of why God tells us to do or not do certain things....the ultimate result of our principles is to produce unselfish, generous action. Born out of a pure heart...motives not dulled or corrupted by fleshly desires, worldly wisdom, or Satan's lies. Coming from a sound moral compass grounded in the Word of God, which gives us an accurate and truthful sense of right and wrong and reveals to us our duty to God and mankind. And from faith: a genuine and complete trust in the character of God. Not having faith when it suits personal desires or makes you look better. But believing God is Who He says He is and will do what He said He will do regardless of personal cost or reputation."

This is the litmus test for every standard I hold, and every motive I have for upholding it. It it producing this result in my life...charity out of a pure heart, sound conscience, and genuine faith?