"Stony Ground." Was the title of the next chapter.
"And some fell on stony ground, where it had not much earth; and immediately it sprung up, because it had no depth of earth: But when the sun was up, it was scorched; and because it had no roots, it whithered away." -Mark 4:5-6
Hmmm....I thought. I held my flashlight in my mouth as I climbed down to have a look. I descended until I finally reached the bottom, I let go of the wall and hoped to the ground of the cave.
Crunch. Rustle. Snap.
My feet landed with a tirade of noise. I pointed my flashlight at my feet. There it was, I was shuffling through mound of dead plants. Their brown leaves burst into dust as a repositioned my feet. How did this happen? I thought to myself. I scraped away a layer of deceased plant material, the soil underneath was dry as bone. I brushed away the dusty dirt until I hit rock.
I flipped through my manual again.
"And some fell upon rock; and as soon as it was sprung up it whithered away, because it lacked moisture." - Luke 8:6
No! This can't be, I madly dug into the sandy soil, but only rock stared back at me from underneath. I grabbed my water bottle and emptied the glistening liquid on the pile of plants and dust; but what was I thinking, it was much too late.
I sat in that spot not wanting to see anymore. My manual laid in my lap waiting to be read.
"They on the rock are they, which, when they hear, receive the word with joy; and these have no root, which for a while believe, and in time of temptation fall away." -Luke 8:13
So there were no roots? That was the problem? I picked up a limp stem, the hairlike strands of root were brittle and pale. I held the dying plant in my hand and dropped my head in despair. I began to see myself in a different light. Because it was true....I was rootless. I thought back at all of the clues I hadn't noticed.
I would hear something, maybe it's happened to you too. I hear a message on charity, or read a passage about forgiveness and as soon as I hear it I purpose to do better. I will reach out to that person, stop complaining, or read my Bible everyday without fail. But as soon as it becomes inconvenient or difficult I throw my resolution out the window. Why is that?
I see this in myself all the time, I promise myself I will do better with my relationships, with my devotions, or my attitude. But when push comes to shove, I break down, and just end up doing what is easiest.
My mind went back to something my history professor had told us:
"When given the opportunity: people will do the wrong thing. Because the right thing is always harder."
What a terrible thing?! I had thought when I heard that. But it is TRUE. This is what happens when our roots are dying. When the sun is up and burning the baby seeds trying to sprout in our souls. I set my jaw, trying to understand what all of this meant. I glanced down at the manual in my lap. There on the page stood in bold black letters:
"No root.....No plant."
What is a root, really? I ask holding up the wispy plant. I rustled through the pages, to the definitions at the back of the chapter.
1.) Root- Part of the plant that grows downward into the soil, anchoring the plant and absorbing nutriment and moisture.
Okay...roots are very important. Roots need water, and soil. Roots anchor the plant. And in order to be efficient in sustaining the plant they must be deep. This is what I know about roots.
Without them the seed will remain on the surface and never change my heart. The plants will never grow in my life. So, what can I do to make my roots stronger?
Well according to the definition, they need something called nutriment, and they need water. I scan the page until I find it. Ah, there it is.
2.) Nutriment- Any substance or matter that, taken into a living organism, serves to sustain it's existence, promoting growth, replacing loss, and providing energy.
Hmmm...I think I am beginning to understand. Simply trying harder, or making resolutions is not enough to make the seeds GROW. In order for the seeds so have healthy roots, they need things that sustain it's existence. The need things that promote it's growth, provide energy, and protect it from loss. What are these things?
It's the things that are God's. Because drenching a plant with things that are of me, my own will, tenacity, and fortitude; only kill the plant. In order for the seed's roots to survive, they need to be given more of Him. They need His promises, encouragement, and help. If I try to make the seedling grow on my own, it will die.
Plain and simple.
If I want them to grow I must feed them those things God has given me. His Word, His people, His promises. The seed of His Word needs....Him.
I've only begun to understand; but I stand to my feet, feeling better.
But a pile of dead seedlings was nothing compared to what I was about to see.....